A functional video set for outdoor retailer REI.
As part of REI's Expert Advice series of content, The Repair and Maintenance videos required a distinct look and feel while honoring REI's master brand. This project's aim was to create a controlled film set that acts as a functioning workshop for outdoor gear, with minimal budget, and minimal impact on existing studio assets. These videos demonstrate common tasks that viewers can perform at home; such as waxing your skis, changing tires on your bike, and patching holes in your tent.
My solution was to salvage a shipping container and create a stand-alone, multi-axis environment out of reclaimed materials.
Before modeling the concept, I assembled a Design Deck to assert the tone and direction of the idea:
Using SketchUp, I created scale models of the container and it's materials. The main fixtures are custom designs, and much of the work was prototyped with cardboard, gaffe tape, and c-stands. The punched out section of the rear cladded wall is a nod to REI's mountain logo element.
Additional video examples here
MY CONTRIBUTION: Design, concept, art director
Kevin Knutson
Seattle, WA